real food faux truck food truck


Real Food faux truck food truck

Real Food, Faux Truck, Food Truck (RFFTFT) is an intergenerational collaboration with young artists to facilitate a pop-up street food experience that serves real food out of a masonite food truck facade. Each iteration of the project posies my youth collaborators as co-owners of the truck. They decide the menu, the prices, and perform quality control. RFFTFT offers youth an opportunity to get some real life experience managing a for profit(ish) business that requires them to make decisions on the fly while interacting with a primarily adult clientele. RFFTFT marries my love of food with a practice where I am learning from the ideas and inspirations shared by youth collaborators and add to that all my skills, abilities, and intentions towards the growth of their imagination and development of their self confidence.

Real Food Faux Truck Food Truck With Riley and Beck

For the 2018 Art and Social Practice Assembly Conference in Portland Oregon I conceived of Real Food, Faux Truck, Food Truck (RFFTFT) in an intergenerational collaboration with young artists Riley and Beck Jacobsen. At Assembly we served pancakes with an option of bacon and greens to 40 people.

Real Food Faux Ship with Bea

Beatrice Red Star Fletcher and I performed a second iteration of the Real Food Faux Truck Food Truck (RFFTFT) at the Harrison Park School Interplanetary Contemporary Art Fair. For the event Bea created a drawing that was used to make a rebranded facade renamed Real Food Faux Ship. The space ship iteration was conceptualized to be in alignment with the interplanetary theme of the exhibition and featured a bunny piloting the ship.